Thoughts Without Words, 2022
Briget Heidmous
Giclée print on archival paper
10x10 inches
Opening: Saturday November 19
Pyramid Atlantic’s annual 10×10 is now in its 10th year and opens Saturday November 19th! To mark the occasion, this annual artist-driven fundraiser is bigger than ever. Pyramid’s gallery will be packed with over 300 pieces of original artwork donated by nearly 200 local and national artists who love the nonprofit art center.
This exhibition-slash-fundraiser has just two rules: all work must measure 10 x 10 inches and be priced at $60. The full exhibition will be open for in-person viewing November 19-20. It then gets rearranged each week as work is delivered to its buyers. Pieces purchased after the 20th can be taken home immediately for instant gratification.
10×10 opens to the public on Saturday, November 19th with FREE RSVP from 5–9 pm. Gallery hours after the 20th do not require an RSVP. All works (sold and unsold) will be available to view in Pyramid’s online gallery starting November 23. The exhibition runs through December 11, and is free to the public. Gallery hours are Wed–Thu 10–8 pm, Fri–Sun 10–6 pm. Pyramid Atlantic is located at 4318 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville Maryland 20781. More info and RSVP details at or by calling 301-608-9101.
10×10 is a great opportunity for collectors of all levels to get interesting pieces by talented artists at a remarkable price. Prints, drawings, paintings, and mixed media will be on display.
Artists with studios, residencies, or exhibitions at Pyramid over the past year are invited to participate. Additional artists are nominated either by a self-nomination form or by the nomination committee. This year’s committee included Jenny Axner, Michael Booker, Jason Bulluck, Adjoa Burrowes, Grace Marie DeWitt, Jenny Freestone, Tabitha Jacques, Rose Jaffe, John Ortiz, Dominique Peterson, Linda Rollins, and Nicole Salimbene. Thanks to their work, the exhibition boasts an impressive roster of artists.
Confirmed artists: Torukpa Agbegha, Claire Alrich, Rashmi Amafy, Debra Jean Ambush, Quique Aviles, Jennifer Axner, Joanna Axtmann, Christy Ball, Anne Barnes, Tammy Barnes, Josh Berer, Janice Bernache, Paige Billin-Frye, Barbara Bitondo, Rick Black, Casey Blalock, Blue Skies Workroom/Alyssa Salomon, Sara Blumberg, Elisabeth Boerwinkel, Jeanette Bolden, Michael Booker, Becky Borlan, Kevin Bowman, Maria Luz Bravo, Kathriel Brister, Jason Bulluck, June Burden, Adjoa Burrowes, Kimberley Bursic, Amy Callner, Gerardo Camargo, Sally Canzoneri, Michele Casto, Mei Mei Chang, Michelle Chen, Marcy Chevali, Wesley Clark, Eliza Clifford, Nancy Cohen, Athena Corbin, Eric Custis, Ralston Cyrus, Ariane D’Souza, Richard L. Dana, Daniel Dancis, Jared Davis, Kristine Deninno, Jessica Devilbiss, Grace Marie DeWitt, Marissa Didonna, Divorce Culture, Elsabé Dixon, Kendall Dorman, Landry Dunand, Aubrey Dunn, Jay Durrah, Lauren Emeritz, Joey Enríquez, Theresa Esterlund, Andrea Sherrill Evans, Melissa Ezelle, Rosemary Fallon, Katherine Farrell, Fran Flaherty, Oliver Foley, Judy Folkenberg, Annette Fortt, Helen Frederick, Jenny Freestone, Madaline Gardner, Stephanie Garon, Ann Gill, Susan J Goldman, Romello Goodman, Kate Gorman, Maggie Gourley, Samidha Gunjal, Nancy Gurganus, Megan Haidet, Alex Halaszyn, Beth Hansen, Winston Harris, Holly Harris, Melissa Harshman, Paige Hathaway, Briget Heidmous, Johlene Hess, Mary Welch Higgins, Robbie Hood, O Horvath, Li Howard, Tina Hudak, Sarah J. Hull, Annie Immediata, Brooke Inman, Elizabeth Isakson-Dado, Marty Ittner, Rose Jaffe, Fleming Jeffries, Cynthia Farrell Johnson, David Joo, Miriam Julianna, Rebecca Katz, Daniel Katz-Hernandez, Nilou Kazemzadeh, Shannon Kerner, Janhavi Khemka, Bronwyn King, Kristina King, Jesse Kirsch, Jaures K, Katherine Knight, Alice Kresse, Katie Kuzin, Selene LaMarca, Caroline Lampinen, Elaine Lamgerman, Jun Lee, Kaisa Lily, Katherine Lin, June Linowitz, Steve Ludlum, Bonnie Magness-Gardiner, Ellen Maidman-Tanner, Ellen Mansfield, Trish Manzke, Sarah Matthews, Janet Matthews, Melanie Mauro, Sara Mayman, Kerry Mcaleer-Keeler, Michelle McAuliffe, Carol-Anne McFarlane, Haley McKey, Matthew McLaughlin, Sally Middlebrooks, James E. Modrick, Cortney Mohring, Addie Moore, Amanda Muhlena, Anna Meyer Zachurski, Tatiana Nelson, Lee Newman, Terence Nicholson, Sarah Noreen, Risikat “Kat” Okedeyi, Maya Ormsby, John Ortiz, Mary D. Ott, Kasey Ott, Betsy Packard, Aiden Paddlety, Nicole Parker, Kia Paxton, Eryn Peak, Marc Pekala, Tantara Person, Heather Polk, Elissa Leibowitz Poma, S. M. Prescott, Rebecca Quinn, Dominick Rabrun, Mary A. Rappazzo, Deborah Remmers, Beverly Ress, Edgar Reyes, Roy Ricci Van Der Stok, Korey Richardson, Chelsea Ritter-Soronen, Sharon Robinson, Nan Roche, Rockin Bones, Dave Roeder, Etai Rogers-Fett, Melissa Rojas, Linda Rollins, Francisco Rosario, Lucas J. Rougeux, Nathalie Ryan, $aint Boogie, Nicole Salimbene, Jordan Hamlett Sanders, Katie Santa Ana, Gretchen Schermerhorn, Alison Lee Schroeder, Adi Segal, Sharon Shapiro, Daniel Shay, Jen Sheckels, Kathy Shollenberger, Elzbieta Sikorska, Dan Silber, Anne Smith, Milena Spasic, Lynette Spencer, Barry Stahl, Kamala Subramanian, Henrik Sundqvist, Emon Surakitkoson, Terry Svat, Fid Thompson, Kim Thorpe, Meeya Tjiang, Chadwick Tolley, Susan Tuberville, Priya Vadhyar, Daniel Varillas, Elise Wagner, Jamille Wallick, Susan Walther, Jenny Walton, Denise Wamaling, Mark Wamaling, Isabella Whitfield, Amy Wike, Kate Libcke Williams, Clare Wilson, Jordann Wine, Ellen Verdon Winkler, Clare Winslow, Angela Wolak, Julie Wolfe, Andrea Worthington-Garcia, Lenora Yerkes, Jessica Zadlo, Némesis Zambrano, Karen Zens.
About Pyramid Atlantic Art Center
Founded in 1981, Pyramid is a nonprofit contemporary art center fostering the creative disciplines of papermaking, printmaking, and book arts within a collaborative community. We equip, educate, and exhibit in our historic Hyattsville home. Our vision is to create an artistic hub in Hyattsville that inspires and enables local, national, and international artists to create and innovate in our core disciplines; elevates the local arts and small business scene; and enhances the quality of life for artists and neighbors. We value artistic excellence, infrastructure for artists, hands-on experiences, and collaboration.